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Guide to implementing a contract-first approach with oRPC

Note: oRPC support both with and without contract-first development. This guide for with contract-first development.


The contract-first approach is a powerful methodology for API development. It offers several key advantages:

  • Enables parallel development of client and server components
  • Facilitates clear API definition before implementation
  • Simplifies publishing TypeScript clients to npm registry
  • Reduces type conflicts between client and server


npm i @orpc/contract @orpc/server @orpc/client

Define Your Contract

Start by defining your API contract:

import { , type , type  } from '@orpc/contract'
import {  } from '@orpc/zod'
import {  } from 'zod'
export const  = .({
      : .(),
      : .(),
      : .(),
  : .('/posts').({
        : '/{id}',
        : 'GET',
          : .(),
          : .(),
          : .(),
          : .(),
          : .(),
          : .(),
          : .().('image/*'),
          : .(),
          : .(),
          : .(),
export type  = <typeof >
export type  = <typeof >

Implement Your Server

With your contract defined, implement the server logic:

import { ,  } from '@orpc/server'
import {  } from 'examples/contract'
export const  = () // Ensure every implement must be match contract
export const  = 
  .(({ , ,  }, ) => {
    /** put auth logic here */
    return ({})
export const  = .({
  : ..(({ ,  }) => {
    return {
      : 'example',
      : 'example',
  : {
    : ..
      .(({ ,  }) => {
        return {
          : 'example',
          : 'example',
          : 'example',
    : ...(({ ,  }) => {
      return {
        : 'example',
        : .,
        : .,

That's it! The contract definition and implementation are now completely separated, allowing for clean, maintainable code.

Client Usage

Create a fully typed client using just the contract definition:

import { ,  } from '@orpc/client'
import {  } from '@orpc/client/fetch'
import type {  } from 'examples/contract'
const  = new ({
  : 'https://localhost:3000/rpc',
  // fetch: optional override for the default fetch function
  // headers: provide additional headers
const  = <typeof  /* or server router */>()
//  File upload out of the box
const  = await ..({
  : 'My Amazing Title',
  : 'This is a detailed description of my content',
  : (.('thumb') as HTMLInputElement).[0]!,
  • createPost
  • getPost
// typesafe and completion out of box

The client is type-safe and can be used in any JavaScript environment.

Benefits of Contract-First Development

  1. Type Safety: Ensures consistency between client and server
  2. Clear API Documentation: The contract serves as living documentation
  3. Parallel Development: Teams can work independently on client and server
  4. Easy Testing: Mock implementations can be created from the contract
  5. Version Control: API changes are tracked through contract changes

By following this approach, you create a robust foundation for your API development process.

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